What Is Mother Therapy?

2019년 7월 15일 월요일

My Child Is Special?!

It is very natural that mothers love their children. Because of this, mothers tend to think that their children are special and different from other children; this is very natural phenomena. However, due to this tendency, they tend to make useless efforts that are not effective at all to treat children when they have psychological problems because they think their children are special.

- My child is not going to be treated with using the same method other children use.
- My child needs special treatment method because he/she is in a different environment and situation from others’
- I must look for a well-known expert to treat my special child
- There must be the right method for my children among various treatment methods.
- I don’t want to believe that my special child has psychological problems.
- my child’s psychological problems are due to others (teachers, friends, social environments)

Besides these, with various thoughts, they are certain that their children are different from others; however, they must understand that the mind and psychology of every child operate very similarly.
Every child goes through survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity; it is called the psychological developmental process of PIR. Everyone goes through these stages. You, mothers, went through these stages and have become mothers to pursue the happiness of self-actualization.
Children will have psychological problems if stress and wounds operate in their process of psychological development, which consists of survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity. Psychological problems occur very commonly to children if they are growing healthily. Psychological problems occur regardless of thoughts that mothers think their children are special.
No one knows that children’s mind and psychology operate differently in survival, adaptation to relationship, and formation of self-identity and that causes of stress and wounds are different. That is why counselors and experts fail to treat children’s psychological problems making you waste your time, efforts, and costs.
Of course, your children are special for you, but you must know that even your children’s mind and psychology operate in the same way as other children’s mind and psychology operate.
Through caring mother society, you will learn that the same mind and psychology of your children and of other children are operating and that these psychological problems are not common and not your children’s problems through this principle. You will be able to prevent and treat your children’s psychological problems through Mother Therapy of caring mother society.
This is the reason why caring mother society that makes the happiness of mothers’ and of children’s is necessary for mothers.
Mother Therapy will allow mothers to prevent and treat children’s psychological problems by learning the methods without difficulties.

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